Pesach Sheni or The Second Passover
Date - 5.5.2023We are all familiar with the significance of Passover as Jesus was the final Passover lamb, how many of us however have heard of Pesach Sheni or the Second Passover? It falls exactly a month after the original Passover and was instituted in Numbers chapter 9. It provides a second chance for those who were travelling or ritually unclean and could not celebrate the first Passover on 14th Nisan. We are all from time to time grateful for a second chance and according to some rabbinical views the eternal significance of the Second Passover is that it is never too late to rectify a wrong deed.
The Christian Church has a terrible record in its treatment of Jewish people down through the centuries and in our time we have a chance to rectify that and put things right. The Hebrew word for repentance is ‘teshuvah’ and it carries with it the sense that it is more than merely achieving forgiveness but rather turning a failing into a springboard to do new righteous deeds or ‘tzedakah’ in Hebrew.
The work of ICEJ is an expression of that tzedakah and we are so grateful to God that we are able to extend hands of friendship and love to the Jewish people in so many ways.