Bringing help to those who suffer with PTSD
Date - 15.4.2023ICEJ AID reaches into every sector of Israel society and your donations help us bless Israel in a very tangible way.
Over the past few years the UK branch has been able to specifically support many projects including bomb shelters, laptops and other equipment during the covid lockdown, a new computer suite to a Druze school, Passover and Easter parcels, photography equipment for the Jerusalem school for deaf children, welcome packages for new immigrants and most recently funding for an Ethiopian Youth Centre – thank you for your generous donations which bless Israel through ICEJ AID.
‘Moments’ Balancing Home
Please consider contributing to our latest UK appeal as we want to reach out to IDF soldiers and others affected by trauma by supporting the ‘Moments’ Balancing Home which provides therapeutic services for acute sufferers of PTSD and their families.
Thousands of people in Israel suffer from PTSD without hope for improvement, and the number is continually growing due to recurring wars and terrorist attacks. Unfortunately new innovative methods of treatment that don’t include lots of drugs are not being sufficiently implemented. There are no medical units proving care for sufferers outside of psychiatric hospitals.
For the first time in Israel, the Moments Balancing Home will bring together therapists from various disciplines involved in researching PTSD treatment. Combining their expertise the Home will be a place of safety and healing. This wholistic approach will allow the sufferer to explore coping tools, find meaning and purpose and help build their own framework for recovery.
The aim is that by introducing proven new treatments, the Balancing Home will help increase the recognition by the Israeli Health and Defence Ministries, giving patients the prospect of a better life and a model for more homes across the country to meet the vast need.
If you would like more information please get in touch with us. To donate please click the link below and write Moments Home in the ‘message of support’ box – thank you!