UK News
Catch up
If you missed our latest programme on Revelation TV, or one of our webinars, catch up on our YouT…
Why support Israel?
In 2024 we held a conference in Southampton about the importance of standing with Israel. In this…
Envision – Testimonies
The ICEJ Envision Pastors’ & Leaders’ Conference is a great time to connect with other intern…
Dedication of the Lincoln Jewish Memorial Stone
After 800 years the Jews of Lincoln have been honoured in a special ceremony unveiling a memorial…
Christian Leaders respond to the Archbishop of Canterbury
In an unusually forthright and unbalanced statement, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby ha…
Moments Balancing Home is now open
Last year generous UK donors raised over £15,000 to help kickstart a new project ‘The Moments Bal…
We are on social media
There’s more to ICEJ UK than just our website. You can interact with us and fellow supporte…
Israel NOT Replaced
We are delighted to introduce you to a new easy-access resource which is perfect for sharing with…
ISRAEL & 7/10 – An Arab Pastor’s Perspective
An Arab Pastor’s perspective on Israel and the events of, and since, the 7th October 2023.
ISRAEL AT WAR – A Journalist’s Perspective
Fresh from the ICEJ Envision Leaders’ Solidarity Mission, Simon Barret…