Why care for Israel?
Join Bilston Neighbourhood Church and Derek Frank to learn more about why we should care about what is going on in Israel.
Session 1:’For their sake’ …as God’s treasured possession
Session 2: ‘For His sake’ …to honour His choice to bring salvation to the world ‘the Israel way
Session 3: ‘For others sake’ …to help them see through the veil of ‘Replacement Theology
Refreshments and light lunch included
* For catering purposes please confirm attendance by emailing: ajbhardwaj@hotmail.co.uk or text 07807 891310 *
In addition to a career in industry and 5 years working in Blowich, Derek Frank has spent 30 years pastoring churches in the UK, Switzerland and the US. Derek first visited Israel in 1980, where he met his French wife Francoise, and they have since been helping the Church to better understand God’s on-going purposes for Israel, and what this means for us as believers in Yeshua.
Derek has also made a feature film ‘Let the Lion Roar‘ in addition to writing ‘Escaping the Great Deception’, available on Amazon.