Date - 9.8.2023The pupils at Edmund Arrowsmith RC Secondary School welcomed a special visitor before the end of the summer term. Anne Super, a Holocaust survivor arrived to tell a group of about 30 pupils and several members of staff, including the Headmaster, her remarkable story.
Anne was a small child in Poland when her family were removed by the Nazis. As she was being led away at the age of 3 or 4 her mother pushed her through a hedge where she was met by the local milk woman who took her to safety. To hear the rest of Anne’s remarkable story visit: https://myvoice.org.uk/
The My Voice project is a unique project where the stories of Holocaust survivors are being recorded both in video and print as a record for future generations. The Jewish Federation in Manchester is behind the project and ICEJ UK is working to encourage schools and other organisations to listen to stories like Anne’s. It is our view that Holocaust education is vitally important. ICEJ UK has two excellent Yad Vashem exhibitions and we have been invited back to the school in the next academic year to show those exhibitions.
With the critical importance of ensuring that Holocaust education continues, ICEJ UK has organised a tour to Krakow and Auschwitz in April 2024. The visit will include a walking tour of the Jewish quarter in Krakow as well as visits to Schindler’s Factory museum and Auschwitz/Birkenau and much more. Several UK Board members will be going including our national director Dr David Elms. Mike Kerry is taking at least two of his grandsons on the tour, which is something that is worth considering for everyone.