Isaiah 62 Fast 2023
Date - 21.6.2023Commencing on the 7th of May, ICEJ UK joined with 5 million intercessors to pray for Israel. This season of prayer lasted for 21 days concluding on the day of Pentecost (Shavuot). Isaiah 62 Fast was initiated by IHOP – the International House of Prayer.
Although prayer for Israel is a foundational belief of IHOP, it had not featured as a major focus in their prayer for the nations. However, this year the Lord laid it on the heart of Mike Bickle that the time was right for believers across the world to cry out to the Lord for Israel. ICEJ was thrilled at this intercessory challenge and in all of our branches it became a major focal point for the season of Pentecost.
For Jewish people the 50 days between Pesach and Pentecost is called the counting of the Omer. The Omer was a sheaf of wheat, a type of firstfruits waiting for the harvest festival at Shavuot. Each day the Omer was waved before the Lord.
That was how we began our daily prayer gathering, offering up to the Lord our prayer and praise in anticipation of a great end time harvest in Israel and throughout the world. It was most significant that the 21 days of prayer began with war in Israel and unprecedented civil unrest within the Jewish communities. This led to much prayer for peace, shalom with both Arabs and Jews.
The season included both Israel’s 75th birthday (14th May) and Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day 18th May). At our first session we were encouraged to remember what an intercessor of old E M Bounds said: “Pray big prayers.” Those big prayers were of course centred around Isaiah 62 which speaks of the Watchmen on the Walls crying out to God, day and night. Reminding the Lord and giving him no rest until Jerusalem becomes a praise in all of the Earth. Prayer was also made for the nations, with our own particular emphasis on the United Kingdom, under its new monarch King Charles the third.
For us in the UK, this call was a wonderful confirmation because we had been in dialogue with IHOP UK, planning for joint prayer ventures. We are holding a Prayer for Israel Day in Lincoln on the 9th September. Joining us will be Tom Craig from Isaiah 19 ministry. Isaiah 19, Isaiah 62 and our own mandate
Isaiah 40, remind us of how important it is to pray from Scripture and according to Scripture, when we gather together for times of seeking the Lord.
Since Covid lockdown, Zoom prayer meetings have become an essential aspect of our ministry. Under the leadership of Karen and Gordon Beattie, our Rosh Chodesh monthly prayer meetings have expanded in both time and quality. We are always thrilled when new people are able to join us. Do consider joining if you have not already done so. Please contact us so that we may increase the number of the Watchman on the Walls crying out to God day and night for Israel.
Peter Tsukahira, Senior Pastor of Kehilat HaCarmel, Haifa visited the UK during these 21 days of prayer and observed the following:
‘God is doing something special with the nations praying for Israel. There is a fresh wind blowing, its blowing across that segment of the church that has a revelation. Those who understand God’s end time place for Israel are being revived.
I have been to the UK many times, but this is the first time I really felt an uplifting spirit and a new wind of hope in Messiah and a restructuring of the Church, for that is what Israel is all about. It’s a new foundation, it’s a new day; old things have to pass away. It’s time to learn how to discard old wineskins if you want the new wineskins, and these prophetic intercessors are grabbing hold of the new.’
To reiterate, please seek the opportunity of a lifetime within the lifetime of the opportunity.
Dr David Elms
National Director, ICEJ UK