On Friday the 19th of July a judgement is to be given by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel. Israel has to face three serious charges and the outcome will have major consequences, not just for Israel but for the NATIONS of the world. The ICJ is based in The Hague which is the judicial capital of the Netherlands and the United Nations.

Previously, a very special meeting was conveyed by Christian Zionists in The Hague on the 3-4th July. This meeting was called The Trial and had been initiated by Jack van der Tang, a well respected man of God. Probably the first question that springs to mind is: Who was on trial? Is it Israel? We will come to that shortly, but let’s begin with some relevant background.

For those who don’t know The Hague is in a country called The Netherlands. The Netherlands is close to England (separated by the North Sea) and is north of Belgium and France. In the East it borders Germany and is close to much of Europe so it is a very strategic place for the governance of Europe and the world. Historically, the Netherlands has been a place of refuge for persecuted people, including Jews.

Most people in the UK call the Netherlands – Holland. However, Holland is only a part of the Netherlands. Anyway the particular part of the Netherlands were The Trial took place was in the administrative Capital known as The Hague. There are 109 political embassies based in The Hague and it houses over 200 international organisations. Amongst the international organisations is the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Other groups are:

  • The Court of Arbitration
  • The Court of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  • The World Trade Organisation
  • The World Bank
  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This all indicates how important The Hague is in world affairs. However, The Trial focused on the judgements which will be issued by the International Court of Justice against Israel on 19th July. The ICJ is located in a beautiful old building known as the Peace Palace.

Before the Court are three major charges against Israel. The first ICJ petition before the Court was that since 1967 Israel has been illegally occupying parts of the land of Palestine.
The ICJ has also to answer the South African charge of genocide being committed by Israel.
And the third challenge was for the ICJ to probe the charge that Israel’s leaders had committed war crimes.

So when the Christian Trial began the objective was to present a biblical Decree to the Court stating what God’s Word says about the nations judging Israel. The judgement was not on Israel but upon the Judges.

“Be wise, O kings; Be instructed you JUDGES OF THE EARTH.”
Psalm 2:10

The Hague is known as the City of Peace and Justice and the opening session of the Christian assembly (held in the beautiful World Forum) began with the blowing of the shofar and then the banging of a gavel. This indicated the the Court of the Lord was now being called to order. The Judges were now under the judgement of God. Nearly 1000 delegates from 14 nations and many different Christian groups were to issue a Decree based on the Word of God.

The opening statement reminded the delegates that the place of Justice and Peace had omitted a very important virtue TRUTH. Alongside Peace and Justice the quality of Truth was missing. The Decree from the Christian delegation called upon the ICJ to hear truth, the truth of God’s Word.

This truth was written down in a beautifully bound book and signed by all present. Then it was to be presented to the 15 judges who preside over the International Criminal Court.

It needs to be pointed out that the ICJ do not receive petitions or requests from anyone, other than governments or their direct representatives. Jack encouraged all present to believe that the Lord would make a way for the Decree to be accepted. There was total agreement to this by all the delegates.

The Decree was agreed on, signed and taken to the ICJ by a delegation. At first it was rejected, but as those who stayed behind cried out to God the ICJ relented and allowed Jack to enter the Court and leave the Decree for the 15 judges of the earth to consider.

Our prayer is now that the ICJ decision to be released on19th July will show that the Judges have received the word of God and will be blessed, or that they have rejected it and put themselves under divine judgement.

The Trial was much more than a Conference. It was the start of an enterprise, something that has consequences for political, social, economic and above all the spiritual future of Israel and the world.

Dear Intercessors please pray as never before as the judgement upon the nations increases.

Dr David Elms
National Director ICEJ UK