In the Western world today, there is such an emphasis on equality. No one is regarded as above anyone else, with particular reference to qualification, gender or race. Whilst such a viewpoint has many things that make it commendable and (in part) biblical, there is a downside to this interpretation of egalitarianism.

When God chooses someone or some people, He chooses on the basis of divine foreknowledge. He does not choose with worldly wisdom. When God chooses, He does it with infallible insight.

To the modern mind saying that Israel is a chosen people, immediately produces a negative reaction. However, in this booklet the unpacking of the biblical term: “To the Jew first” takes on its true biblical meaning. The reader will be taken on a journey to understand that God’s calling to Israel was about the redemption of all people from every nation.

Our hope and prayer is that this booklet will help you understand, not just Israel’s destiny, but your own calling in the redemptive purposes of God.

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